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We design academic spaces that inspire students and educators

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Ennead at  EARCOS

We look forward to meeting you at the 2023 EARCOS Leadership Conference. Please join our Education Center Leaders, Alex and Minh at the workshops they will co-host with fellow EARCOS partners.


EARCOS Workshops

Promoting Belonging: A case study in advancing wellbeing and pedagogy through campus design 

Friday, October 27, 2023

Session 4: 10:00am – 11:15am, Room: Philippines II

How can a campus foster a sense of belonging and promote social/emotional wellbeing? Using the experiences from the audience and the presenters, this session will reveal principles that can create an inclusive and safe learning community. The American School in Japan will be used as a relevant case study in applying these principles to practice, resulting in a transformational future vision for learning environments at ASIJ that will create a sense of connection and belonging for all.

Using Post-Occupancy Analysis to Create a More Inclusive Campus

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Session 7: 10:00am – 11:15, Room: Philippines I

Seoul Foreign School has evaluated its new high school, completed five years ago, to determine how well it is meeting the needs of the community. The analysis has identified several adjustments that can EASILY be made to craft a more inclusive and welcoming environment. SFS will present its findings and engage the audience in a discussion of lessons learned on other campuses.

Ennead’s Education Center Leadership

Ennead’s Centers of Excellence were established to codify the firm’s experience in specific typologies and to optimize and share expertise across the office. The Ennead Education Center is led by leaders with expertise in both the Higher Education and K-12 Sectors.

The Education Center maintains research and data on the K-12 educational landscape, including trends in best practices, programming, teaching methodologies, benchmarking facility sizes (nationally and internationally), program types (conventional and IB), and ever-changing developments in AV/IT infrastructure. The Center meets bi-weekly to review current K-12 projects, discuss new environmental approaches to improve learning, and to sponsor lectures by guests from the broader educational community. This affords the staff associated with the Educational Center expanded perspectives on designing for K-12 institutions, which in turn gives them the confidence to question conventional wisdom and deliver truly innovative and transformative leaning environments.

Alex O’Briant

Alex O’Briant

Education Leader

Minh Tran

Minh Tran

K-12 Education Leader

For more information on Ennead’s education expertise, visit our pages on Higher Ed and K-12.

 International School Expertise

Our facilities for international schools respond to the mission-driven priorities of these institutions. Buildings are shaped by international best practices and the needs of diverse school communities. Designs responds to global contexts, cultural concerns and architectural traditions while incorporating advanced opportunities for collaborative learning and flexible teaching modalities.