Creating a Sustainable Campus
From chronic issues such as deferred maintenance to acute situations like extreme weather events, pandemics, or other crises, schools experience many challenges over the years. The most successful institutions are able to meet these challenges because their campuses are resilient. However, resilience does not happen by accident. It takes strategic thinking, careful planning, and investment of both time and money.
There are many dimensions to building and maintaining a resilient campus — energy performance, resource management, healthy environments, adaptability, diversity & inclusion, and economy & value, to name just a few.
Our design approach, even on the smallest of projects, is to consider your campus holistically to ensure that decisions we make together help to secure a healthy future for your school.

The integration of project-specific sustainability objectives is a fundamental component of the value-proposition in our work, where our designs perform as the infrastructure for learning, engagement, and social cohesion. And we align our services to be symbiotically connected to the core aspirations and values of our clients.
Sustainability section for the University of Oregon, Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact